diumenge, 6 de desembre del 2009

dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009

Magic story script

Scene 1

Peter enters with a camera and presents the school:
-Hi! I’m Peter. I’m 14 years old. I’m a good student. This is my institute the IES Sabadell I will present you my classmates:
Pete walks to Joe and says:
-Hi is Joe is the bad boy of the institute he is strong but is a dork.
He turns to Emma and says:
-She is Emma. She is the most beautiful girl of the institute. I love her but she is the Joe’s girlfriend and I’m not a rival for Joe.
Entering in the Mats class he say:
-This is my Mats class, it's so boring.
He finishes with his narration and the story begins.

Scene 2
It’s the Mats class and all the students are bored.
Peters try to take his pencil but the pencil falls down. He is scared and says
-It’s impossible…
He tries again and the pencil touches the teacher’s shoe. And she says:
-Mr. Peter! Don’t throw your pencil please.
He takes his pencil and says to the teacher:
-Can I go to the toilet please it’s an emergency!
The teacher says:
-No, you can’t
Peter looking the teacher thinks:
-Yes, you can go
And the teacher says:
-Yes, you can go
Peter runs to the toilet. He washes his face and says:
-It’s a dream it can’t be really
He listen strange noises from the door he open the door and behind it are two boys smoking one of them says:
-It isn’t what that it seems my friend and me are only peeing. (He looks his friend and say)You dork go out now…
Peter return to his class and before this all the day will be good!!!

Scene 3
The Peter’s school finish and he run to his house. When he arrives, he runs to his room and he tries to move a Cd but the Cd don’t moves and he says:
-I don’t move the pencil in the class was the wind, or it only was a dream…
In fact he looks a chair and it moves…and Peter says:
-It’s a dream. I’m not doing this it’s a dreaaaaaam!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He tries to move another thing and it moves
-I have powers? Really. Oh yes yes. But I must practice my powers, one moment… If I have these powers, in the mats class…I was controlled to my teacher its good, but I must remember the phrase of Spider-Man “A Big power it’s a big responsibility”.
Peter practices his powers during one week all the days before the school.
And finally he can control his powers, all of them…
Peter says:
-Yeah, finally I can control my powers!!!
Scene 4
Peter goes to the school and when it finish Peter sees Emma and Joe, Joe tries to give a kiss to Emma But Emma don’t kiss to Joe and he tries to give she a punch but Peter use his powers and Joe can’t punch to Emma realizes that it was Peter and was about to hit but he can’t Peter uses his powers and makes them a strong blow against the wall.
Peter runs with Emma and says:
-I only want to protect you
Emma says:
-You want protect me
-Really I love you
-I want to say you something?
-I love you but I was the Joe’s girlfriend because I was frightened for you I think if I be your girlfriend? Joe will go for you and Joe is so dangerous with his band … ahhh my leg can we rest one moment please.
They sit down in a bench to rest but Joe is approximating to Peter and Emma. Joe carries a knife and try to stick the knife in the Peter’s back but He utilizes his powers to dodge the knife but Peter forgets Emma and Joe sticks the knife in the Emma’s back Joe see Emma And say:
-Pardon me please this should not have happened it was for Peter sorry…
And runs away, terrified by what he had done.
Peter sees the scene and he is scared and says:
Scene 5
He wakes up in the math class and discovers that it was all a dream.
Peter watching to Emma says:
-Oh it was a dream Emma is fine!
His teacher says.
-Please copy the homework.
Peter tries to get his pencil and the pencil moves…

The End

divendres, 20 de novembre del 2009

Present perfect

I have seen this movie before.
I haven't seen this movie before.
Have I seen this movie before?

I have written a book.
I haven't written a book.
Have I written a book?

She has finished her homework.
She hasn't finished her homework.
Have she finished her homework?

divendres, 30 d’octubre del 2009

dijous, 1 d’octubre del 2009

Sorry, I can't show you the story board, I have a problem.


dimecres, 30 de setembre del 2009

Emma: The girlfriend of Joe

dimarts, 29 de setembre del 2009

Joe: the bad doy
Pon fotos sin limite en slide.com GRATIS!!!Peter. El protagonista de la nostra història.
Emma: The girlfriend of Joe

What's he like?

What's he like?                                           

mujeriego - womanizer                                            
borracho - heavy drinker          
vagabundo - homeless                                            
ladrón - burglar                                                      
valiente - brave
divertit - funny
Listo - clever

What does he looks like?



Pon fotos sin limite en slide.com GRATIS!!!Peter. El protagonista de la nostra història.

diumenge, 27 de setembre del 2009


Peter: He is fourteen years old. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He’s a good student but he’s a little lazy. He has magic powers. He loves Emma.

Emma: She stays in the same class of Peter She’s fourteen years old. She has a boyfriend, Joe, but Joe doesn’t treat Emma very well. She loves Peter.

Joe: He’s the boyfriend of Emma. He’s very strong. He’s a bad boy and he hates Peter.


dimarts, 22 de setembre del 2009

The Film

Peter discovers his magic powers when he is in the class of maths. He is bored and when he is going to take the pencil, it moves. The boy tries to take again the pencil but the pencil moves and falls off the table. He is frightened and scared.. His teacher asks him.-whats happen?
Peter ask teacher if he can go to the toilet. The teacher say 'no'. Then, the teacher looks eyes's Peter and one second after the teacher say 'yes'

something happens:
In the toilet there are four boys, they are smoking. When the boys go out, Peter takes a cigarrette, he takes it and puts it in his hand; the cigarrette disappears. When he returns to his house practices his powers. He can control the people, he can move the objects, he can make disappear things, he can stop the time. He practices his powers and at night he can control all of them

Peter loves Emma, a girl of his class, but she is Joe's girlfriend, the bad boy of the school. Emma loves Peter too but Joe is very strong and he doesn't leave him. Joe push Emma and Peter say ''leave she in peace, stupid'' Joe gets read for the fight. Joe is going to give Peter a punch but Joe can't do. Peter is using the powers. Peter throw Joe to the wall and he is unconcious. Peter escapes. A lot of Joe's friends pursue Peter. He can stop they, but he doesn't want more injureds. When he turn the corner stops the time. He is scared. He wasn't want hurt Joe. He wasn't want it...

What is the answer of this addition? Alice? Do you know the answer?
Peter gets up in the maths class. He was sleeping. All was a dream. He gets better. ''Uf''. The class is writting. He will take the pencil but the pencil moves.


dimecres, 16 de setembre del 2009


We found this gadget and We like it


The first photo of this blog